Start by visiting the main page where all curated lists are showcased.
Utilize the filters and search bar to narrow down the selection to the type of list you're interested in.
Browse through the results to discover a variety of lists that match your criteria.
Once you've found a list that piques your interest, click on it to view more details and read the creator's description.
If the list meets your needs, proceed to purchase it. You'll immediately receive a link to download the Google Maps list and integrate it with your own map.
Open Google Maps and click on 'Saved' to view all the lists you've created. If you haven't created a list yet, you can easily make one by adding your favorite spots to a new list.
Find the list you wish to upload, click on the three dots to the right of the list's name to open more options.
Select 'Share' and in the editing options, make sure to disable "Let others edit your list" to prevent any unauthorized changes to your content.
Click on "Copy Link to Share" and copy the URL provided. This link will allow others to view your list without altering it.
Visit LOMA and sign up as a seller. Fill in the necessary details to complete your profile.
Paste the copied Google Maps link into the designated field on LOMA. Set the appropriate filters to categorize your list correctly and add a brief description to give potential buyers a clear idea of what your list offers.
Once you've filled in all the details and are satisfied with your listing, publish it on LOMA. Now, sit back and wait for the sales to begin as users discover and purchase your expertly curated list.